About Us
Gumex Plus emerges as an extension of a prestigious and experienced family business born in 1990. The tradition of this business has been maintained through time thanks to the efforts placed on the continuous development of each and every one of the visions and ideas of our company.
This development has been characterized for our constant tendency to find the best solutions for the improvement of the demanding process of milk and livestock production.
With an eager spirit along with the proper selection of technology, we have chosen and elaborated a number of products that offer original and functional solutions to the problems involved in this business; this has allowed us to continue to be the number one production company of livestock such as cows, sheep and goats as well as milk producers in Croatia and in foreign countries.
Following the motto “milk production is the engine that moves agriculture” we have kept the optimism and trust that this production –however demanding and complex it may be- can give a dignified life to all the people involved in the livestock and milk production no matter where they are.
We’ll keep eagerly searching, selecting, developing and pleasing the need of milk producer so they may ease their production to the fullest by investing in the products that best meet their needs and allow them to elaborate the best quality products.
We salute the passion of the farmer people for their work and we wish them success.
Nikola Devčić